Installation Instructions for Lotus Domino 6.x, 7.x and 8.x
Apr 20, 2023
After completing the check-out process for the SSL certificate, the certification authority will send you an e-mail with a *.zip file attached. This file contains the primary, intermediate, and root certificates. To use these certificates, download and extract the *.zip file in the IBM Domino server directory where you plan to store all your certificates.
Before installing the SSL certificate, you need to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). If you haven't generated your certificate and finished the validation process yet, please refer to our
CSR generation instructions
before proceeding with the steps below. If you have already generated a CSR, proceed to the next steps.
To install an SSL certificate on the Lotus Domino server, you must merge the certificate files into the same Key Ring that was used to create the CSR. Then, insert the certificates into the Key Ring in the following order:
SSL Certificate Installation on IBM Domino (Lotus Domino) web server:
Open the Domino Server Certificate Administration tool (CERTSRV.NSF)
Choose the option to "Install Trusted Root Certificate into Key Ring" and provide the file name of the Key Ring file that was created when the CSR was made.

To install the Root Certificate, either select "File" and provide the file name and path or select "Clipboard" and paste the contents of the Root Certificate (including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines) into the provided box.
Click the "Merge Certificate into Key Ring" button and enter the password for the Key Ring.

If an Intermediate certificate was received from the Certificate Authority, repeat step 2 and 3 to install it to the Key Ring.
Select "Install Certificate into Key Ring" and provide the file name of the Key Ring file and the path to the certificate or paste the contents into the provided box.
Click the "Merge Certificate into Key Ring" button.