If you are having trouble finding qualified staff to help you sell, install and service website security solutions? do you have qualified prospects who could be converted into buyers, if you had more time to draft winning proposals? and are you finding it harder to maintain close communications with prospective clients about upgrades and new products? you are not alone.
Trained, experienced and professional website security experts are in short supply and the problem will not solve itself any time soon.
What’s driving the shortage? a host of reasons. It is estimated that global revenues in the website security sector are up 8.6% per annul. Which means that you need 8.6% more people to support the website security side of your business.
And then there is the speed of the market. online Security updates are literally real-time, which means that upskilling is a constant battle, and then there is the adaptation of the cloud and the resulting security issues. So more business, faster changes and more complex solutions. It’s the perfect storm.
Education and training
Need to bridge the Skill gaps
What to do? “The Government of India is facing a multi-faceted challenge which requires a variety of tactics to start with, education is essential. But it takes a long time and we need skilled technicians now, both tertiary institutions and the support of the government are doing all they can to speed up the delivery of cyber security graduates but, again, the lack of skilled instructors is hampering efforts. So our focus on very specific hands-on training is required to provide technical staff with the tools, knowledge and back-up support so that they can successfully implement our security solutions.
The need to introduce Certification courses which are designed to give people the requisite knowledge to specify, install and support the efforts of the government of India in skill development. since we can’t fast-track experience but can give people a jump start and that’s what these workshops can do
Automation the key
It is the responsibility of the vendor community to reduce complexity, promote automation and embrace artificial intelligence to reduce the requirement for constant human intervention
Since machines can replace people, but intelligent design can automate many functions that currently require manual intervention such as monitoring, alerting and responses.so to focus on the human aspects, where communication and understanding client requirements are paramount, whilst simultaneously making network administration less complex and time-consuming.
Keep up or keep out
Concluding, cyber security is not for the faint-hearted, since We’re all in the same boat. More challenges, more complexities, more requests. But there are still only 24 hours in a day. We all have to work faster, smarter and do it right the first time. And that’s where cyber security training comes in. The more training, the fewer help-desk calls. and that means happier clients and more sales. So train up your team and watch your profitability maintain momentum.”
Revolutionize Your SSL Game: Prepare for the New Era of Automated Certificate Management