Revolutionize Your SSL Game: Prepare for the New Era of Automated Certificate Management

Certificate Management

In today’s digital age, financial companies or any other multi-national companies are worried about how to keep their customer data secure and protected. Cyberattacks are rapidly growing in stature, and as a result, several businesses need to protect themselves to save customer’s sensitive information.

In the expansive digital realm of the Internet, digital certificates serve as vital credentials, verifying the authenticity of users engaged in data exchange. Given their ubiquitous presence on legitimate websites, effective certificate management emerges as a critical imperative.

So, the question is, how do you manage your digital certificates?

Some of you may mention using a spreadsheet for certificate management. According to a study, 41 percent of participants stated that their organizations manually track certificates.

While spreadsheets are good tools for IT guys to manage, present, and collaborate, they come with drawbacks, such as a lack of security, data protection, regulatory compliance, and scalability.

Unlocking the Pitfalls: Why Manual SSL Certificate Management Falls Short

Unexpected Outages

Manual Certificate Management is largely prone to unexpected outages, such as certificate discovery, provisioning, issuing, and inventory maintenance, which results in massive mishap in terms of customer management.

Error Prone 

Manual Certificate Management makes implementing your tasks time-consuming. At the same time, it increases the probability of getting a sheet filled with errors.

Less Agility 

With the ever-evolving cryptographic landscape, manual certification does not provide the much-needed agility to get top-notch security.

No Alerts 

The manual spreadsheet will not inform you until the time the certification period expires. It does not have the facilities to automatically update itself, thus you always need to keep track of the expiration dates manually.

Are you aware of the impending shift towards 90-day certificate validation?

This adjustment is set to bolster security measures and streamline processes within the certificate ecosystem. However, as we approach this shorter validation period, managing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) may present challenges.

Handling certificates manually could potentially lead to issues such as service disruptions, audit failures, and even data breaches, resulting in significant financial losses and damage to reputation.

With industry leaders like Google advocating for stricter security protocols and faster certificate renewals, it’s crucial for organizations to adapt and prepare accordingly.

Thankfully, there are solutions available to help businesses navigate this transition smoothly, ensuring that their digital assets remain secure and compliant with evolving security standards.

Also Read: The Logic behind 90 Days Certificate Validity Period

Introducing: DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager

The main goal for any industry is to balance out security and practicality in order to elevate efficiency. With DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager, you get the ideal pathway to manage certificate lifecycles without compromising on security standards.

The DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager has become a substantial solution for streamlining SSL Certificate Management. This tool consolidates essential functions into a single dashboard, allowing seamless usage and increased efficiency.

Advantages of DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager

Full-Stack Solution 

The single pane solution reduces the business disruption, elevates the performance and handling capabilities, and incorporates deeper integration.

Easy Deployment 

The lifecycle manager helps to facilitate self-service issuance that helps in deep integration to automate last-mile installation.

Deep Integration 

With last-mile installation in place, it supports several enterprise business procedures, which result in increased productivity.


The DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager helps facilitate effortless reissuance and renewal processes, mitigating the issues normally connected with certificate lifecycle management. With centralization, industries save a large chunk of time, which optimizes operational workflows.

Improving security posture is one of the crucial elements of the DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager. With excellent monitoring and management, it minimizes the risk of having vulnerable or expired certificates to bolster overall cybersecurity resilience.

Overall, the DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager is a tool that provides time-saving benefits, compliance assurance, and heightened security in a single platform.

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